Cynthia Ackrill Headshot

Cynthia Ackrill, MD, PCC, FAIS

Now, more than ever, you need science-based, real-life strategies to emerge from this challenging time smarter, stronger, and wiser…

Science-Based Strategies to Live Stress-Smart, Stress-Strong, and Stress-Wise

As you know, stress is a pervasive, expensive ($300B/yr!), and urgent problem. Yet not only were we not taught how to handle it properly, we’ve been rewarded for ignoring it—costing us dearly, in energy, focus, productivity, profits, health, and happiness.

Drawing on decades of experience in medicine, neuroscience, coaching, and the science of human performance, I inspire your leadership, employees, and clients with science-based, stress-smart, real-life strategies and tips to handle the rising pressures with the “coping confidence” needed to thrive in these challenging times.

Having applied these pragmatic strategies in a wide variety of industries from spa and wellness to healthcare, tech, manufacturing and energy, I know that every sector is unique, yet we all share the challenge of bringing out the best in ourselves and each other. Let me help you open the door to stress-wise living, so you, your clients, and staff—and your business thrive.

Small shifts bring great rewards—contact me now.


At this time, I am only taking limited engagements and clients.

Please feel free to ask questions or see if we are a fit!   828.777.9730   Thank you!

Cindi Ackrill, MD

Stress Mastery Expert
Professional Certified Coach
Fellow of the American Institute of Stress
Chair of the AIS Daily Life and Workplace Stress Board
Editor, Contentment Magazine for American Institute of Stress